Talks 1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-126


  1. L.Meda, C.F.Cerofolini, G.Ottaviani, R.Tonini, F.Corni, M.Anderle, R.Canteri and R.Dierckx; "Evidence of Molecular Hydrogen after Implantation in Silicon"; 6th Symposium on Hydrogen in Semiconductors. Trieste (I), July 12-14, 1990.

  2. L.Moro, P.Lazzeri, G.Ottaviani, L.Bacci, G.Queirolo and M.Anderle; "SNMS studies of ULSI gate interconnection structures"; 6th Arbeitstagung "Angewandte Oberflächen analytik" Kaiserslautern (FRG), 9-12 July 1990.

  3. L.Moro, R.Canteri and M.Anderle; "Comparison between SIMS and SNMS in application to microelectronics materials"; PITSA '91-2° Int. Workshop on Postionization Techniques in Surface Analysis; PennState-University Park (PA). May 15-17, 1991.

  4. M.Anderle, S.P.Jeng, S.S.Dana and G.W.Rubloff; "Application of in-situ SIMS/SNMS/TDMS for interface and thin film charcterization in ultraclean, integrated processing"; SIMS VIII Int. Conf.. Amsterdam, September 15-20, 1991.

  5. L.Moro, R.Canteri and M.Anderle; “Depth Profiling of Multilayer Samples: A Comparison between SNMS and (MCs)+ SIMS”; SIMS VIII Int. Conf.. Amsterdam, September 15-20, 1991.

  6. R.Canteri, L.Moro and M.Anderle; “Matrix Effects and Quantitative Analysis in Silicon: Effects in the Presence of Localized Reactive Species”; SIMS VIII Int. Conf.. Amsterdam, September 15-20, 1991.

  7. M.Liehr, S.S.Dana, M.Anderle; "Nucleation and sub-monolayer growth of silicon on SiO2 in SiH4 CVD as studied by Hydrogen desorption/titration"; AVS 38th National Symposium, Seattle, Washington USA, November 11-15, 1991

  8. S.S.Dana, M.Anderle, G.W.Rubloff and M.Liehr,; "UHV-RTCVD studies of rough polysilicon thin film growth"; AVS 38th National Symposium, Seattle, Washington USA, November 11-15, 1991

  9. S.-P.Jeng, T.-P.Ma, R.Canteri, M.Anderle, S.S.Dana, G.W.Rubloff; "Diffusion of fluorine in MOS structures; AVS 38th National Symposium, Seattle, Washington USA, November 11-15, 1991

  10. M.Anderle, S.S.Dana, M.Liehr and G.W.Rubloff; "Surface control of Si nucleation, growth and morphology in VLPCVD"; MRS Spring Meeting. S.Francisco, April 1992.

  11. M.Anderle; "Microanalysis support in VLSI Technology"; Alpe Adria Workshop on "The impact of microelectronics technology in industrial application for small and medium industries". Trento (I), June 11-12, 1992.

  12. M.Anderle; "Nucleation and growth of Si on SiO2 during SiH4 low pressure chemical vapor deposition as studied by hydrogen desorption tritation"; National Research Council-CNR Annual Meeting, Modena, December 14-16, 1992

  13. M.Anderle, L.Calliari, R.Canteri, M.Fedrizzi; "Carachterization of porous silicon by Auger, SIMS, and SEM"; INSEL 1993-National Meeting on light emitter siliconIncontro, Trento (I), April 6, 1993.

  14. S.S.Dana, M.Anderle and G.W.Rubloff; "Nucleation, growth and microstructure of polysilicon on SiO2 in integrated processing for FET gate dielectric structures"; European-MRS Spring Meeting. Strasbourg (F), May 4-7, 1993.

  15. M.Anderle R.Canteri, M.Fedrizzi, P.Lazzeri and L.Moro; "Observation of metal contamination in hard plant tissues by SIMS"; "Massa 93 Chimica e Biotecnologie Agro-Alimentari, Lacco Ameno-Ischia (I), September 13-18, 1993.

  16. M.Anderle, R.Canteri, M.Fedrizzi, P.Lazzeri and L.Moro; “SIMS and SNMS Depth Profiling of III-V Compound Samples”; SIMS IX Int. Conf. Yokohama (J), November 7-12, 1993.

  17. I.Shareef, G.W.Rubloff, M.Anderle, W.N.Gill, J.Cotte, D.-H.Kim; “Sub-atmospheric CVD (SACVD) Ozone/TEOS process for SiO2 trench filling”; 41st National Symposium of the American Vacuum Society. Denver (CO), October 23-28, 1994.

  18. L.L.Tedder, G.W.Rubloff, I.Shareef, M.Anderle, D.-H.Kim, and G.N.Parsons; “Real-time process and products diagnostic in RTCVD using in-situ mass spectrometric sampling”; 41st National Symposium of the American Vacuum Society. Denver (CO), October 23-28, 1994.

  19. R.Canteri, M.Anderle, R.Antolini, L.Feigin, I.Myagkov; “Deposition of LB films of 14-H-perfluorotetradecanoic acid and study of their structure and electrical properties”; 7th Intern. Conf. on Organized molecular Films. Ancona (I), September 10-15, 1995.

  20. S.Ferrari, R.Canteri, C.Paternolli, M.Anderle; “Langmuir-Blodgett fluorurated polymer film preparation and their characterization by XRD e TOF-SIMS.”; XIII Italian Vacuum Society National Symposium, Milano (I), February 14-16, 1996.